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Free masterclass - Erase your limitations

Step into your power with innovative method that allows you to Erase your limitations rapidly & forever.

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Maria Freeman

- Hypnotherapist, Holistic coach.

Welcome to the world of Maria Freeman, where consciousness meets innovation, and transformation is not just a possibility, but a promise.


As a certified hypnotherapist specializing on human power, trauma recovery, holistic psychology and life success,

I have pioneered a groundbreaking science-based technique known as "Eraser."

Which allows you to Erase and delete any limitations rapidly and forever.


Through my work, I delve into the realms of consciousness, psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience, quantum physics and ancient spiritualism, offering a unique blend of modern science and  spirituality.


Based in the vibrant city of Los Angeles, I wear many hats - as a researcher, hypnotherapist & coach, inventor of technique "Eraser", an artist and founder of "Freedom school", - a school where you can find the most effective tools for your well being, mental health and success. Which allows me to understand very well artists and entrepreneurs who are seeking their next break through.


And with a background of an immigrant, outsider, and a former victim of abuse with plethoras of mental issues including Eating Disorders, CPTSD, Depression, Social anxiety, addiction, codependency etc. being the one who healed herself from tremendous amounts of traumas and limiting beliefs allows me to empathize with my clients on the deepest levels.

From a victim to the victor. 
I spent over a decade and over 100.000$ on my research, and I continue my research in field of spirituality and mental health, offering only the best to myself and my clients.


At the heart of my practice lies a commitment to helping others unlock their true potential and live lives of purpose and fulfillment.

Whether you're an entrepreneur seeking to break free from limiting beliefs, an artist yearning to unleash your creativity or a person with a burning desire for a change and desire to embrace full potential in all facets of life:

Money, Relationships, Career, Personal empowerment and so on.,

I offer personalized guidance, rapid transformation and support tailored to your unique journey & full success.



My philosophy 

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Success happens when there is no limitations

If you're a fan of self development, then probably just like me you've tried many things:

Mindset shift techniques, read countless amount of self-help books, hired coaches, therapists, attended to motivational seminars and trainings...And nothing seems to stick with you. You had this "high" for a week or 2, but then got back to unhealthy patterns, comfort zone and ended up in the same cycle in relationship with self and others/career/money etc.


And there is no surprise, because if we try to fill a bottle of water full of dirty water with expensive Sauvignon blanc, it's still going to be a bottle with dirty liquid.


If we want to do it right way, at first we should clean this bottle, heat the glass, make a beautiful form and only then spill expensive wine in it.

This is a great analogy about our traumas and limiting beliefs.

I believe that true mindset shifts happen only when there is no limitations. That's why it's crucial to focus first an foremost on "eliminating the dirt", and only afterwards fill it with new, positive beliefs and settings about yourself and the world.

You are at the right place if your desire is


  • To expand and thrive in any chosen sphere of your life: Love, relationships, money, wellness etc.

  • To become confident and unstoppable.

  • To go after your goals with a mindset "I wanted, I got it".

  • To step into your power. And fall in love with the process of doing so.
  • To learn how to feel good even at the most dramatic and scary moment of your life, and overcome anything with ease.
  •  To connect to the blueprint to your dream life. And make your dreams your reality.
  • To move move past traumas, patterns, blockages, limiting beliefs and energies, that have previously kept you stuck. And Erase everything that is no longer serving you.
  • To improve improve your relationships with yourself and others.
  • To feel freaking good.
  • Learn about the most effective technique Eraser, that transforms your life rapidly and forever.


Free masterclass - Erase your limitations

Step into your power with innovative method that allows you to Erase your limitations rapidly & forever.


Los Angeles, California





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